5 Ways to Fuel Your Creativity

Fueling your creativity can be difficult sometimes. Let’s face it, it can be difficult a lot of the time. We’ve all had those moments where we’ve hit a wall that we just can’t seem to get past. So here are FIVE ways to help climb over that wall, open that flood gate, and let your creativity flow.


There’s something inside all of us that just needs to get out and be shared with the world, but that can often times become overwhelming. In today’s crazy fast paced world our lives can turn into cluttered messes. It makes taking time to be creative, whether that’s cooking, crafting, lesson planning, decorating, etc., challenging. So, take a break! Go for a walk, veg out on the couch watching tv, go have lunch with a friend. Give your mind a chance to rest and refuel.


Sometimes the wall we hit is where to start. It can become overwhelming. Where do I start, what do I need, how much does it cost, what if I mess it up? Well that’s easy to solve, just do some research. Easier said than done. Researching a project can seem daunting, but don’t let it be. You don’t always have to set yourself a deadline if you’re worried about the pressure of getting things done. Research a project with the knowledge that one day you’re going to do this and you’ll be ready for it when you decided to tackle it. You’ll have all this knowledge tucked away in your back pocket ready to pull out and use when you’re ready.

I would suggest Pinterest for this. I LOVE me some Pinterest! It has everything. Pinterest is a great tool to get ideas, research a “how to”, learn to “do it yourself” (diy), check out recipes, scroll through the latest home decor trends, look for a gift for that hard to shop for person. You can check out my Pinterest page oneinspires if you’d like to see what I’ve been researching. We live in the digital age so use it to your advantage.


Don’t quit now! Now you know how to do it, so what’s stopping you now? Money? Time? That’s alright. Don’t worry about having to do everything at once. Take it one step at a time. So tackle something small. One of the projects that I enjoy working on it creating Christmas ornaments. I have worked on felt one, glass ones, ones made from items I had around the house. I haven’t made all the types of ornaments that I would like. I haven’t even tried yet, but I have bought some of the supplies. It feels good, to know that I’ve taken one step at getting it done, at working on it, and trying my hand and a new craft. So start with something small and then tackle something else, and then something else. If you need to take a break then take a break, but don’t quit.


Are you burnt out? Been doing the same thing over and over again? Then try something different! Even when we’re working on something creative, maybe you make jewelry, we can still feel like our creativity is struggling. When you’ve been creating the same thing repeatedly that can burn a person out. Try something different. It doesn’t have to be anything monumental you can keep it small. Sometimes the best way to give your mind a break is to think about something else. Work on something new, something different. Take your mind into a new creative space, use those critical thinking skills, start exercising, heck just doodle. You’ll be surprised where you’ll find inspiration. Creativity breeds creativity.

    5. JUMP IN

Get to it! Nike had it right when they came up with the slogan “Just do it.” You’ve done the research, bought your supplies, taken a break, so don’t let yourself procrastinate now. Don’t let your fear, intimidation or hesitation get in your way. Schedule some time to sit down and let your creativity flow. Put pen to paper, paint to canvas, hammer to nail. God gave you an imagination so use it. Don’t doubt yourself. Remember you can always try again.