DIY Cards (Watercolor with Markers)

 Mock Watercolor with Markers


  • Washable Markers
  • Permanent Marker (Black preferably or a color that works well with the other colors you’re using.)
  • Plastic storage bag
  • Card stock
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  1. Measure and cut your card stock. Let’s say you want your card to be a 4×6. Then you need to measure and cut your card stock to be 8×6, and then fold it down the middle so that it’s now a 4×6 card.
  2. Find a quote or simply write a nice “Thank You”, “Happy Birthday”, or “Thinking of You” with a permanent marker. Then comes the fun part. Creating your own backgrounds for them.
  3. Use the markers to color on the plastic bag. Then spray the bag with water. This will cause the marker color to run and blend.
DIY watercolor card using markers and water.
DIY watercolor card using markers and water.
  1. Now, carefully flip the bag over onto your card and lightly press it all over. Then lift the bag off and blot the excess water off of your card. Let it dry and Wa-La it’s finished!
DIY watercolor card using markers and water.
DIY watercolor card using markers and water.
DIY watercolor card using markers and water.
DIY watercolor card using markers and water.
DIY watercolor card using markers and water.

You did it! You got your creative juices flowing and created a card that’s not only personal but beautiful. These are great unique gifts that the recipient can really appreciate.