DIY Yarn Heart Garland


Pink heart garland hanging from shelves.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, this easy DIY yarn heart garland is simple and requires only a few simple supplies. It’s a fun, festive way to add a touch of Valentine’s Day decor to your home. It can also be a fun craft project for the kids to do.

What you’ll need

  • Yarn (for Valentine’s Day choose pink, red, or a combination of the two)
  • Twine
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks


  1. Take your cardboard and trace out 3″ hearts then cut out.
Three inch hearts cut out of cardboard.
  1. Take the end of your yarn and hot glue it to one side of the hearts.
Using hot glue to glue yard to a cardboard heart.
  1. Proceed to wrap the yarn around the heart until none of the cardboard can be seen.
  1. Finish the heart by cutting the yarn and gluing the end to the back of the heart.
Hot gluing the end of yarn to a cardboard heart.
  1. Do this to all of your hearts.
Hearts made out of cardboard and yarn.
Hearts made out of cardboard and yarn.
  1. Decide where you want to hang your garland so that you can figure out how long you need your twine to be. Cut your twine. Then decide on how far you want to space your hearts out and then glue the twine on the back of the hearts. Make sure that it is towards the top of the hearts (preferably on the humps), otherwise the weight of the heart will make it face down.
Pink yarn heart garland hanging from shelves.
Pink yarn heart garland hanging from shelves.

You’ve done it! Doesn’t it look cute!

I also did some a little smaller in a light pink color too. With these I used a small 6″ piece of yarn to hang them from the twine and used a tiny bit of got glue to keep them in place on the twine.

Pink yarn heart garland hanging from stair banister.
Pink yarn heart garland hanging from stair banister.
Pink yarn heart garland hanging from stair banister.

Hang it from a fireplace mantle or over your bed. Hang it from the banister of your stairs. Decorate the wall or a shelf in your office, dorm or family room. These are super cute and fun to make. You can easily store them for next year too.

If you make your own comment below and add a picture so I can see! I’d love to see how they turned out.

Looking for a cute Valentine’s Day gift for your significant other check out my post DIY Valentine’s Day Gift.